The vine associated with its terroir has always produced wines of exceptional quality.
The work in the vineyard is therefore essential to obtain high quality grapes. For several years, we have been trying to rationalize this work in order to reconcile and safeguard the land, nature and the ecosystem. Working philosophies have changed, we must constantly seek innovative solutions to optimize each intervention. Here are different avenues explored on the estate to achieve these objectives, the goal being to obtain a wine that presents maturity, balance and concentration. Initially, the load must be adapted to the vigor so as not to have excess bunches The size is adapted to each plot. The new plantations are done with a higher density grassing is practiced in the too vigorous plots in order to slow them down. a reasoned fertilization on the plot (organic fertilizers and foliar intervention according to needs) the reduction of herbicides, a large part of the farm is plowed (interceps) in order to find the maximum of micro-organisms responsible for the life of the soil . Secondly, the controlled vigor of the vine then makes it possible to reduce foliar treatments to fight against fungi such as powdery mildew and mildew. It is necessary to reason each plot according to the risks incurred. Anti-oidium and mildew benefited from dose reductions (technical support from the chamber of agriculture). Finally, the maturity tests begin 15 days before the harvest. The samples taken from the test plots are analyzed and the berries are also tasted. These controls make it possible to best adjust the time of harvest for each plot. DIVE INTO THE UNIVERSE OF CHABLIS WINES |